Renters Can Save Money Too!
Energy Assessment:
The focus of Energy Reduction Inc's energy assessments for multi-family homes is steam traps, followed by pipe insulation in the basement. Because so many people live in one building, the warmest floor is the basement where many of the pipes and most storage spaces are found. These pipes go up to radiators in the rest of the building. Our trained and certified professionals indentify the biggest waste of energy in the building; offering the landlord and tenants a way to quickly recognize where they can save money. We take the time to meticulously go through the process and assist with necessary paperwork as well.
Steam Trap Replacement:
You can find a steam trap next to radiators in old buildings. Because they can last up to 40 years, they often get forgotten, neglected, and not checked very often. Energy Reduction Inc will evaluate existing steam traps for opportunities for new technology to be implemented. If repairs will be sufficient rather than a replacement, we will make them as well. Steam traps are valves used in steam systems to facilitate distribution. When traps fail, stem migrates into the condensate system, which over heats piping and can be a safety hazard as well as a loss of energy and water. Prevention of leaks will enhance water and energy efficiency, increase equipment life expectancy. It is critical for thermal comfort for stable boiler operating pressure to be maintained. Rebates for replacing steam traps which waste energy are 100% or 75% off, depending on which rebate you receive.
Pipe Insulation in the Basement:
Energy Reduction Inc also insulates boilers and hot water heater piping. This is an easy and inexpensive way to reduce utility bill costs and increase the efficiency of these systems. Heat loss in pipes causes them to work harder and longer to meet building occupants' needs. Insulated pipes keep heat in longer so that boilers work less. Pipe insulation will provide more comfort for everyone in the building.
Air Sealing:
While many multi-family residences have flat roofs and don't experience the air sealing problems caused by attics, we still assess air sealing in these multi-family buildings. Our experts will look for cracks and openings that need to be sealed while seeking out opportunities to prevent air leakage, which will reduce landlord and tenant costs